My name is Greg Scasny, and I am asking for your vote for Fort Myers Beach Town Council. As a full time resident with my wife and our son, I am extremely concerned for the future of our island, and the over-development that is being proposed island wide. My promise is to be a voice for our island family to make sure our community comes FIRST!
We’ll rebuild our Town
The time for leadership is now
We are at a pivotal moment for the future of our island. We, as friends and neighbors, need to decide if we want the island to be a place where friends and families can still visit and live, and will want to live, or if we will be an island of transients, with large hotels and short term rentals being the majority. My choice is for the former, as the latter to me would be the end of the Town of Fort Myers Beach. We cannot let that happen.
I support common sense redevelopment
We live on a 7 mile island with limited resources and a sensitive natural environment. We need common sense when it comes to redevelopment.
I oppose large, over-dense development
I am not against rebuilding the island, quite the contrary, but allowing more density, intensity and height should be the last exception, not a foregone conclusion.
I want to see Families on Fort Myers Beach
Families to me are not just traditional nuclear families – every neighbor, every person who calls or wants to call Fort Myers Beach home are part of the “Family” that I speak of. I want to continue to see our community grow on the beach.
I support Government Lite and no new taxes
Being a good steward of tax dollars is a top priority. There must be ways the Town can improve its revenue stream outside of just property taxes from residents and property owners, and be more efficient with tax dollars we do get.
I am pro-business
As a small business owner, being pro-community does not mean being anti-business. Our island businesses and that eclectic vibe help make Fort Myers Beach special.
I have no ulterior motives I do not make my living on the island. I do not own a business or rental properties on the island. I have vowed not to take campaign contributions from developers. I have no motives other than keeping this island a place that families can and want to live.
Understanding the challenges…
We know that Fort Myers Beach will never be as it was pre-Ian. There are going to have to be some compromises, but that does not mean we should throw in the towel and allow for over development of the island and become the next Hollywood or Clearwater Beach.
The island may look different, but the community has the say on what we allow to rebuild on the island. In my view, allowing more density and intensity to projects should only come with a proportional benefit to the Town and our community, not just benefits to developers and tourists.
Father, Husband, Neighbor
- Full-time Fort Myers Beach Resident with my Wife and Son
- Fort Myers Beach is our only home
- Currently rebuilding our home on Fort Myers Beach that was destroyed by Hurricane Ian
Community Matters!
- Appointed by Gov. DeSantis to serve on the FMB Public Library District, Seat 4.
- Successfully fought with other beach families and community members to keep our Beach School Open
- FMB Little League volunteer
Want to help? Donate to my campaign!
Donate securely online via PayPal
OR Send a Check to:
The Campaign for Greg Scasny
117 Andre Mar Dr.
Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931
If you would like to help my campaign in any way, (post a yard sign, distribute flyers, etc) or if you have any questions or thoughts, Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: